Tuesday 22 January 2013

Secret Kitchen is no longer a Secret

Heading back to Melbourne especially during school holidays is always a quest to find something new and innovative to do with my children.  When my daughter ran out of the cinemas crying that the movie was too scary, we decided to have some lunch.

Of course there is the food court, but I loath fast food and my daughter has no idea that MacDonald's even exists.  I know, it sounds like I am not giving her any fun!
Besides that I cannot stand sugar and even worse chocolate!

I am trying to teach my daughter about new tastes and trying new things.  So today I decided to take her to an authentic Chinese Restaurant.  I knew it had to be good as I have only heard great reviews and it was packed at the tick of noon with mainly Asian diners feasting on Yum Cha.

There was no way I could have her partake in Chicken Feet at this age and personally for me, I don't eat Shark Fin Soup.  That is my thing and my choice but will not bore you with my story about it.

We ordered the Peking Duck and Sang Choi Bow (Seafood) for Starter and followed up with the Honey Chicken and Special Fried Rice.  Totally delicious although the skin on the Duck was not as crispy as I usually like it.  Silks and Flower Drum are always perfection not just in Peking Duck way, but every way.  I was impressed that she ate all her food and discussed the flavours and the places where this food is from.  All in all, I felt that it was way more cultural and informative with her now demanding her own 'L' plate chopsticks, that a movie anyway.  My plan is to open my children's eye to more food than what a food court can provide.  I hope if I instil these values in them at a young age, 2 & 4, it may give them the ability to make wise decisions about health and diet.

Racing Fashion loves Secret Kitchen

Racing Fashion loves Secret Kitchen

Racing Fashion loves Secret Kitchen

Racing Fashion loves Secret Kitchen

Racing Fashion loves Secret Kitchen

Racing Fashion loves Secret Kitchen

Racing Fashion loves Secret Kitchen

Secret Kitchen is no longer a Secret,

Click Here for Details.


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